Tuesday 8 February 2011

Tuesday 8 February 2011

The dreaded DPE (energy) reports encore !

Anyone that is interested in French property will know that these reports have been in force for some years now, and that Notaires usually advise buyers not to take any notice of them.

However, with effect from 1st January 2011, the report has formed part of the property advertising, although many reports are still outstanding, as there is a significant backlog with the firms carrying out the diagnostics.

However, there is a very important aspect of the DPE reports, that has not received much publicity, and that relates to the 0% loan facility (mainly for French buyers) - where a proportion of their mortgage can be claimed at 0%, see


This website shows the changes planned for 2011 & 2012. With effect from the latter date, the DPE report is going to significantly influence the amount that a buyer can borrow, with properties in ratings A-D eligible for double the zero % loan, and this will definitely make these properties more marketable.

« Les acquéreurs des logements étiquetés A, B, C et D bénéficieront d’un montant de prêt doublé par rapport à ceux des logements évalués E, F ou G ».

So those vendors with houses rated E, F & G might be advised to try to sell sooner rather than later as more press coverage is sure to emerge, and will inevitably show these houses in a poor light.

Peter Elias (Agent Commercial) www.allez-francais.com

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