The village of Courbefy in the Limousin, in central France has attracted massive attention after news leaked out that the entire village was for sale. Originally a Roman settlement, thevillage became a holiday complex during the 1970s before bankruptcy forced its sale.
The holiday complex survived until around 2008 when the venture collapsed with debts estimated at 580,000 Euros. It was initially put up for auction in the middle of February 2012 for a minimum price of 300,000 Euros but failed to attract a bid so, it is now in the hands of bank
Credit Agricole, and the bank hopes to put it up for auction again, but this time there is much more interest.
Credit Agricole, and the bank hopes to put it up for auction again, but this time there is much more interest.
Since word leaked out to the media there have been a number of articles, and it is widely
rumoured that a Dutch TV company want to buy the village for a reality TV programme.
The new auction date has now been set for May 21, 2012.
Included in the sale are 19 properties, a swimming pool that requires significant renovation, a community hall, stables and several acres of land surrounded by in an area with views.
Peter Elias www.allez-francais.com